Kjøp store planter online - plante forsendelse + interiør grønn - Oslo og Europa
Buy big tropical plants + big tropical trees online
Interior greening
Exclusive solitary plants outdoor
Balearic big plants supplies
Choose your topic or your plant
We carry almost everything that exists on the European market!
Plant not found OR you need more information about your green project - just ask us direct
Middelhavet planter også for Oslo og Norge
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Mediterranean plants - for terrace and summer garden
Tropiske planter også for Oslo og Norge
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Tropical plants in all sizes
Kontor grønner også for Oslo og Norge
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Office Greening, Office Plants - Consulting - Planning - Plant Delivery
Hotellinteriør grøner også for Oslo og Norge
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Hotel greening - trees and plants for reception in London
Utstillingsanlegg også for Oslo og Norge
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Exhibition plants and exhibition greening
Planter for atriumet (atriumgrønn) også for Oslo og Norge
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Ilex Bonsai from Japan in an atrium in Bern - Switzerland
Planter for vinterhagen (vinterhage grønt) også for Oslo og Norge
More information can be found here - click!
The winter garden greening by the expert - We plan winter garden plants of the special kind!
Planter for orangeriet også for Oslo og Norge
More information can be found here - click!
Plants for the Orangery - Online advice, planning and buying
Planter for spa, svømmebasseng og termisk bad også for Oslo og Norge
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Plants at the pool, in the spa area or leisure pool
Planter til møbelbutikk og kjøkkenstudio også for Oslo og Norge
More information can be found here - click!
Trees and plants for furniture store and kitchen studio
Planter og trær innendørs for sykehus også for Oslo og Norge
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Interior greening of doctor's office, clinic and hospital
Planter og trær innendørs for bilforretning og motorhus også for Oslo og Norge
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Interior greening car dealership and motorcycle house - here with olive tree!
Planter og trær innendørs for lobby, entré og trapphus også for Oslo og Norge
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Giant Palm - Trachycarpus wagnerianus - in the modern stairwell - just ask us what is possible
SEND us your plans, ideas and sketches and we will gladly advise you on your project.
ContactPlanter og trær innendørs for motehus og boutique også for Oslo og Norge
More information can be found here - click!
Tree and big plants in fashion house, clothing store and boutique
Greenwall også for Oslo og Norge
More information can be found here - click!
Vertical green wall - Greenwall - Here herb wall in the hotel
Store trær i interiøret - prosjekteksempler - også i Oslo og Norge
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Plant a big tree in the interior - here with a mobile crane over the open roof
Vi leverer også tropiske trær og planter til Balearene
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Trees, plants and palm delivery - Garden planning - Mallorca and Ibiza
Stor hagebonsai fra Japan liker også for Oslo og Norge
More information about PINUS-Bonsai can be found here - click!More information about TAXUS bonsai can be found here - click!
More information about ILEX-Bonsai can be found here - click!
More information about WACHOLDER (Juniperus) - Bonsai can be found here - click!
More information about ULMUS bonsai can be found here - click!
Pine-Pinus bonsai, planted on modern terrace in Bern - Switzerland
Eksklusive utendørsplanter og ensomme trær også til Oslo og Norge
More information can be found here - click!
Enkianthus perulatus - from Japan - buy online as a ball, globe tree, tree or bonsai
Stort stor kaktus opp til 8 meter høy som for Oslo og Norge
More information can be found here - click!
Giant Celiac Cactus - Pachycereus pringlei - and other Texascactus, Arizona Cactus to 8m order online
Tropiske planter, trær og palmer i akklimatisering - også for Oslo og Norge
Depending on their size and plant species, tropical plants must be acclimatised under glass for 6 - 18 months until they are suitable for use in interior greening.That requires greenhouses up to a height of 17m.
Acclimation houses up to 17 m height
Når kontakter du oss med dine ideer og planer?
Vi har over 30 års erfaring innen interiørgrønn!
Vi snakker tysk, engelsk og spansk
We look forward to your ideas, whether small or large, a interior greening - Send us photos, sketches, plans, etc. like
On this website you will find:
Plants, large plants, interior greening, green areas, indoor plants, plants in the winter garden, office plants, hotel plants, plants for the private garden, commercial plants, gastronomic plants, plants for the swimming pool ...
XXL plants for parks, plant rarities, plant solitary, indoorlandscaping and other green projects.
Every day, current plants and projects are being hired here!
YOUR Botanic International TEAM
We are delivering and projecting greenings and land scapings with tropical plants and trees in this countries:
Germany - Austria - Switzerland - Liechtenstein - Italy - Slowenia - Luxembourg - France - Monaco - Spain - Belgium - Great Britain - Denmark - Norway - Sweden - Finland - Poland - Lithuania - Russia - Czech Republic - Slovakia - Georgia